Aug 16, 2013

Overeem vs Browne......a LOT riding on it!!!

Alistair Overeem is a Decorated Warrior at this point, but he has fallen on hard times, with his last fight!
He has brought to the table a couple championships and a threat to the UFC after beating Brock Lesnar easily!! Maybe things went to his head, i dont know!!!

Travis Browne has got to be one of the heaviest handed and talented dudes comin' at Alistair at this point!!!
But Travis has made no mistake about where he is! He had a rough fight with BigFoot! Which Browne Broke his foot in the first and didnt squeel, which we have to give some respect!!  He lost that fight.....
Travis cameback in a fight where i thought he gave his opponent a rear elbow to the back of the head!!! to Gonzaga!!! Gonzaga did bitch, and took it like a beast!
So, the game went on, as some of us may have been pissed by that!!! a bit!!!
Travis found himself the winner after Gonzaga couldnt continue!

in my humble opinion, Travis will find a real fight with Alistair, this saturday we will see Overeem cool and collective!!!!
Travis, being under-experienced, will go for broke and fail!!!!! as he will open himself up to strikes!!!
Alistair will be ready for this! Travis may pull off a decision, but not a win!
Overeem will be too determined in returning to Glory!
Good Luck to Travis!!
as it is possible!!!

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