Jan 30, 2012

The worst match ups for Jon Jones thus far and the future......

So, we see a new badass in MMA, he has ran through a shit load of Middle of the road guys, now he has moved on to the big guys and has the belt now.....who's gonna be a problem for him?

First off, Lyoto Machida, in my opinion has been the biggest problem for Jones thus far, with his attack, backing Jones up and putting him on the Defense!! At least until Lyoto got caught in a nasty Guillotine!
Lyoto was amazing in this fight before the End!

-On to the future....Dan Henderson can pose a threat with the H-bomb, no question, but Dan can also get caught in a nasty rear naked choke on his way there! but it would be a sweet match up to see! We saw Rampage take Jones out of his element, and not do as many flashy kicks and back fists, and what else! Which i think Hendo could push him to this as well! Jones doesnt take well to fighters that push the pace on him, so far, but he has done pretty good against them, so we will see!

-Alexander Gustaffson can pose a problem as his style is very much like Jon Jones, in a sense! His movement is unorthodox! Quick, and precise strikes can catch most anybody, but i would first like to see him under a little more guidance.....all this makes him hard to hit and hard to keep up with, as much as Jon? I wouldnt say so, but with the right training he can certainly push Jones to the edge!

-.....The truth is the Light Heavy weight division in UFC is light to say the least! Jones has gone through the thick of them and came out looking pretty shiny! lol, but he has been pushed, and its gonna take someone who can take serious shots, and someone who can get inside and nullify his offense in close!
Who is that? 2012 should tell us! At this point its just a thought of who can beat Jones, because the division is so under staffed with talent!

Jones has been pushed by a few fighters, but, not to dis any fighters out there, at this point the UFC has a light talent bank in that division! a shit-ton of guys in the gate keeper range and a few top tenners, and thats about it, besides newbies! Its gonna take a surprise to knock Jones off his game!

-Jones has mentioned that around age 26-27(natural body developement) he will naturally move to Heavy Weight, which at that point he will have cleaned out the most of Lt Heavy wt, if he hasnt already!!! So, moving to Heavy Wt would be in his best interest as far as greatness! But we all know how the UFC may want to proceed with that, very slowly, and make as much money as possible! So we may have a long wait to see Jones take on some real competition!

Jon Jones

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